TXT2MTXT command (Express Tools)
Combines a selection of TEXT and MTEXT entities into a single MTEXT entity.

Select the TEXT and MTEXT objects to combine. The combination is made depending on the value of the COMBINETEXTMODE system variable.
Options within the command
- SEttings
- Displays the options of the COMBINETEXTMODE system variable in a dialog box.
- Combine into a single mtext
- Combines the selected TEXT entities into a single MTEXT entity.
- Sort top-down
- Specifies the order of the selected text entities by descending vertical position.
- Word-wrap text
- Combines all selected TEXT entities into a single line and then wraps any text that exceeds the width of the MTEXT to the next line. The MTEXT width matches the width of the largest text entity in the selection. Paragraphs in the selected MTEXT entities are preserved.
- Uniform linespacing
- Applies consistent interline spacing.