-MTEXT command
Creates multiline text with the Command line.

Places formatted, paragraph text in a bounding box that limits the extent of the text.
Note: The text does not appear in the drawing until you end the command.
Creates a multiline text by specifying the first corner and the opposite corner for block of text.
Options within the command
- Justification
- Specifies the horizontal alignment of the text inside the bounding box. Choose between: Top-Left, Top-Center, Top-Right, Middle-Left, Middle-Center, Middle-Right, Bottom-Left, Bottom-Center, Bottom-Right.
- Rotation angle
- Specifies the rotation angle of the text block.
- text Style
- Specifies the text style to use for the mtext.
- ?
- Lists all styles defined in the current drawing.
- text Height
- Specifies the height of the text.
- Direction
- Specifies the direction in which the bounding box is expanded.
- Left-to-right
- The text is placed at the left and expands the bounding box to right.
- Top-to-bottom
- The text is placed at the top and expands the bottom of the bounding box.
- by-Style
- Uses the direction defined by the text style.
- Width
- Specifies the width of the bounding box.
- Line spacing
- Specifies the line spacing of the mtext.
- At least
- The lines of text will be automatically adjusted, based on the highest character in the line.
- Exactly
- The line spacing will be the same for all lines of the mtext.
- Columns
- Specify the properties of the columns.
- No columns
- Sets no column to the mtext.
- Static
- Specify total width, number of columns, gutter (space between columns) and height of the columns.
- Dynamic
- Specify width, gutter (space between columns) and height of the columns.