UCS command

Creates and displays user-defined coordinate systems (UCS) through the command line.

BricsCAD Shape; BricsCAD Lite; BricsCAD Pro; BricsCAD Mechanical; BricsCAD BIM



Specify a new UCS origin through one, two or three points in the drawing or choose one of the command’s options.

Options within the command

Aligns the UCS to a face of a 3D solid.
Note: This option works only with flat 3D faces and not curved ones, such as on a sphere.
Reverses the direction of the Z-axis.
Rotates the UCS 180 ̊ about the X-axis.
Rotates the UCS 180 ̊ about the Y-axis.
Creates, restores and deletes names UCSs.
Allows you to enter a UCS name to restore.
Allows you to enter a name for saving the UCS.
Allows you to enter the UCS name to delete.
Lists the names of UCSs in the drawing.
Note: Type:
  • *to list all UCS names.
  • name* to list name of UCSs that begin with name.
  • name to list the UCS specified by name.
Aligns the UCS to a selected entity.
Select entity for UCS definition
Represents the orientation and type of entity defining the orientation of the UCS.
Note: The UCS origin is located to the end point, center point, or vertex closest to the pick point. The X-axis is aligned with the entity or an edge. The X,Y-plane is aligned to the entity's plane. For ambiguous objects with obvious orientation, like a circle, the orientation is maintained.
Changes the UCS to the previous one.
Sets the UCS to the current viewpoint.
Note: The x axis and y axis are parallel to the view edges. The z axis is perpendicular to the view, with positive Z-axis pointing to the viewer. The origin is copied from the previous coordinate system.
Rotates the current UCS about the X-axis.
Rotates the current UCS about the Y-axis.
Rotates the current UCS about the Z-axis.
Z Axis
Sets the UCS relative to the Z-axis.
Note: Y-plane is perpendicular to the Z-axis with the X-axis horizontal and the Y-axis pointing upwards.
Moves the origin of the current UCS, keeping the orientation of the axes.
Switches to the world coordinate system (WCS).