Block Convert dialog box

The Block Convert dialog box allows you to select the AutoCAD® Dynamic Blocks in the current drawing to be converted to BricsCAD Parametric Blocks.

  1. List of blocks
  2. Preview
  3. Details for
  4. Output options
  5. Block name suffix
List of blocks
All AutoCAD® Dynamic blocks that are present in the current drawing are listed here. Individually check the blocks you want to convert to BricsCAD Parametric Blocks or check all by ticking the Select all option.
Note: Blocks that cannot be converted or can be partially converted are marked with a red or yellow warning sign respectively.
Displays a preview of the currently selected block in the list.
Details for
Displays information on whether the selected block can be converted or not. If the block cannot be converted, the features that are not supported are listed.
Some blocks can be converted with partial loss of information. In this case warning messages are shown in the details section.
Output options
Convert blocks to this file
Converts the dynamic blocks into the parametric blocks inside the current file.
Replace block references
If checked, all references to the selected dynamic blocks will be replaced with references to parametric blocks. All parameter values will be preserved.
Note: This option is only available if the Export blocks to individual files in folder option is not checked.
Export blocks to individual files in folder
Check this box to export the converted blocks to the specified folder. Exporting blocks to the default C:\ProgramData\Bricsys\Components folder makes blocks accessible through the Library panel. Click the Browse... button that opens the Select a folder for saving exported blocks to specify a different folder.
Block name suffix
Allows you to modify the default block name suffix. The last used name for suffix is remembered.