GIS Import dialog box

The GIS Import dialog box allows you to import different GIS Features (Layers) with shapes and attributes from SHP files into the current drawing. You can also specify properties for each imported Feature.

  1. Current Coordinate System
  2. Table of imported GIS layers
  3. Add layers to group
  4. Specify Import Area
  5. Import

Current Coordinate System

Reports the GIS coordinate system being used by the current drawing.

Table of imported GIS Features

Lists the GIS Layers to import and allows you to define their properties.

Allows you to select/deselect GIS features to import.
Note: A warning message appears when nothing is selected for import.
GIS layer
Specifies the name of the GIS layer.
Note: Importing a duplicate GIS layer by renaming or merging it is possible. Follow the indications from the warning message.

Press the button to open the Duplicated Layers dialog box.

GIS layer type
Specifies the layer type, for example lines, polygons, points, etc.
Drawing layer
Specifies the drawing layer on which the entities are created.

Click the Drawing layer field of the GIS feature to open the Drawing Layer dialog box to set the layer.

Note: Importing a duplicate GIS layer by renaming or merging it is possible. Follow the indications from the warning message.
Existing layer
Allows you to choose an existing layer from current drawing.
New layer
Allows you to create a new layer.
Layer from data field
Allows you to choose a layer from the data field.
Source Coordinate System
Specifies the source coordinate system that is used in the SHP file, which is read-only.
GIS Data
Specifies the GIS Data.

Click the GIS Data field of the GIS feature to open the GIS Data dialog box where you can choose whether or not to import the GIS data.

Do not import GIS data
If selected, the GIS data is not imported.
Import GIS data
If selected, it imports the GIS data from the specified data table.
Specifies the elevation at which entities are created.

Click the Elevations field of the GIS feature to open the Elevations dialog box to set the elevation.

Enter elevation
Allows you to enter the elevation value.
Elevation from geometry file
Uses the elevation from the geometry file.
Elevation from data field
Uses the elevation from the specified data field.

Add layers to group

Adds the imported GIS layers to a new group, visible under the GIS tab from the Civil Explorer panel.

Specify Import Area

Allows you to specify the import area.

Import All
Uses the entire drawing as import area.
Select clipping polygon
Click the mouse icon to select a polygon in the drawing that defines the import area.
Draw clipping polygon
Click the mouse icon to specify an import area in the drawing.


Imports the GIS features in the drawing and closes the GIS Import dialog box.