Parts List dialog box

Defines part reference information that appears in the parts list and the layout of the parts list.

  1. Layout Settings
  2. Parts List

Layout Settings

Defines the layout for the parts list.

  1. Part list name
  2. Line spacing
  3. Insertion point
  4. Insert header
  5. Insert title
Part list name
Defines and displays the part list name.
Line spacing
Defines the line spacing type by choosing one option from the drop-down list.
Insertion point
Defines the placement of the insertion point and the vertical direction of the parts list. If the insertion point is at the bottom, both the header and title points are at the bottom of the parts list, and the parts are listed from bottom to top. Similarly, if the insertion point is at the top, both the header and title appear at the top of the parts list, and the parts are listed from top to bottom.
Insert header
Defines if the list will have a header.
Insert title
Defines if the list will have a title.

Parts List

  1. Manage columns
  2. Set value
  3. Remove overrides
  4. Move up
  5. Move down
  6. Move left
  7. Move right
  8. Move to the top
  9. Move to the bottom
  10. Cancel
  11. Save
  12. Formula bar
  13. List of the parts references.
Manage columns
Manages the columns. When you open the drop down list the available options are:
Insert column left
Inserts the chosen column to the left side of the current column. The Select columns dialog box opens.
Insert column right
Inserts the chosen column to the right of the current column.
Remove column
Removes the current column.
Note: The available columns are managed within the BOM Settings dialog box.
Note: The Select columns dialog box displays only those columns that have not been inserted yet.
Set value
Allows you to override values generated by formulas on the selected cells. The Set Value dialog box opens.
  1. Column
  2. Increment mode
  3. Add mode
  4. Start value
  5. Step
Allows you to select the column from the drop down list.
Increment mode
Allows you to override the value for one or more cells by setting the Start value and the Step.
Add mode
Allows you to override the value for one or more cells by setting a Value to add to the existing one.
  • Not all columns accept overridden values.
  • The overridden values are highlighted in blue color.
Start value
Defines the start value for incremental mode for overriding the cell value.
Defines the step value for incremental mode for overriding the cell value.
Defines the value to be added to the existing value of the cell.
Remove overrides
Removes overrides from the current selection and restores their default values as calculated by their formula.
Note: This button is available only when overrides exist within the current selection.
Move up
Moves the row of the selected cell one step up in the parts list. Multiple rows can be moved at once, too.
Move down
Moves the row of the selected cell one step down in the parts list. Multiple rows can be moved at once, too.
Move left
Moves the column of the selected cell one step to the left in the parts list. Multiple columns can be moved at once, too.
Move right
Moves the column of the selected cell one step to the right in the parts list. Multiple columns can be moved at once, too.
Move to the top
Moves the row of the selected cell to the top of the parts list. Multiple rows can be moved at once, too.
Move to the bottom
Moves the row of the selected cell to the bottom of the parts list. Multiple rows can be moved at once, too.
Cancels the edits made in the formula bar.
Saves the edits made in the formula bar.
Formula bar
Allows you to introduce or view a formula.
List of the parts
Lists the parts references.