Sheet Properties dialog box

The Sheet Properties dialog box allows you to view and edit properties of a sheet.

  1. Number
  2. Name
  3. Description
  4. DWG Handle
  5. DST Handle
  6. Destination File
  7. Publish
  8. Category
  9. Library Status
  10. Custom Sheet properties


Specifies the number of the sheet.


Specifies the name of the sheet.


Specifies a short description of the sheet.

DWG Handle

Displays the DWG file handle of the layout associated with the sheet. It is read-only.

DST Handle

Displays the DST file handle of the sheet. It is read-only.

Destination File

Specifies the DWG file in which the sheet will be saved.


Toggles the option to publish the sheet.


Specifies the category of the sheet.

Library Status

Specifies the library status.

Custom Sheet Properties

Lists and allows to edit the custom sheet properties, if any exists.