Point cloud manager panel

The Point cloud manager panel creates and manages regions in a point cloud and controls the display of point clouds based on scans, classification and regions.

Note: Scan information will only be available if the point cloud is preprocessed in HSPC format. Only structured point clouds contain scan information. Classification information will be available if the point cloud data source contains classification information (some *.LAS/*.LAZ files) and it is preprocessed in HSPC, or if the point cloud is classified using the Hexagon point cloud classifier (POINTCLOUDCLASSIFY command).


  1. New region
  2. Remove region
  3. Search
  4. List of point clouds and their scans, regions and classes, and building information
  5. Visibility

New region

Allows you to create a region by running the POINTCLOUDREGION command:

Draw region
Runs the Draw option of the POINTCLOUDREGION command.
Convert crop solids to region
Runs the Convert option of the POINTCLOUDREGION command.

Remove region

Removes the selected region.

Note: The Unassigned Points region cannot be removed.


Allows you to search for a specific scan, class or region name. The list is shortened and only shows the items that contain the entered sequence of characters, regardless of where they are located in the item's name.

List of point clouds and their scans, regions, classes, and building information

Displays a tree view list of point clouds with their scans, regions, and classes. Building information (building/floor/room) is also displayed after the POINTCLOUDDETECTFLOORS and POINTCLOUDDETECTROOMS commands (BricsCAD BIM only) have been used.

Right-click an item in the list to open a context menu:

  • The Toggle Visibility option, available in each item's context menu, allows you to switch On/Off the visibility of the selected item.
  • Where available, the Delete option deletes the selected item/items from the list and removes the classification of the corresponding points.
Allows you to type in a new name.
Note: Double click an item to activate the rename mode.
Open scan in bubble viewer
Opens the Bubble viewer displaying the selected scan.
Note: Hover over scan items in the list to show a preview of the scan.
Allows you to type in a new name.
Note: Double click an item to activate the rename mode.
Building floors
Right-click a floor item to display a context menu:
Add room
Allows you to manually add a new room by selecting a point cloud area.

Enables the Top view and lets you define a closed polyline.

Building rooms
Right-click a room item to display a context menu:
Allows you to edit the contour of the selected room.

Enables the Top view and lets you reposition the vertices of the closed polyline.

To exit the editing mode, right-click the room item again and select Accept or Decline.

Allows you to type in a new room name.
  • This option can also be accessed by double-clicking on a selected room's name.
  • The room keeps the number assigned during the detection process.
Multiple building rooms
Select multiple room items and right-click to display a context menu:
Merge rooms
The points corresponding to the selected rooms are classified under a single room.


Displays the current visibility state of listed items. Click the icon to switch On/Off the visibility of the selected items.