BMMECH command
Converts the current drawing into a mechanical component.
If the drawing contains block references or external references, they can also be converted into inserts of local and external components. If mechanical blocks are enabled, solids and regular named blocks can be converted to mechanical entities and blocks correspondingly as well.
If the drawing is a mechanical component already, BMMECH does nothing.
Note: Mechanical blocks are enabled if the MECHANICALBLOCKS system variable is set to 1.
Options within the command
- create Legacy components
- (Only if Mechanical blocks are enabled) Changes the command mode to create mechanical (legacy) components.
- create mechanical Blocks
- (Only if Mechanical blocks are enabled) Changes the command mode to create mechanical blocks and mechanical entities. If there is no root component in the document, the document will become a mechanical block itself.
- Yes - to convert all
- If the drawing contains block references or external references, and the if the command is in Mechanical blocks mode (MECHANICALBLOCKS system variable is ON), block references, external references and solids in the model space will be converted to mechanical blocks and entities. Also, arrays of block references or external references will be converted into mechanical blocks.
- Blocks - to convert blocks
- (Only if Mechanical blocks are enabled). If the drawing contains block references or external references, they will be converted to mechanical blocks. Solids from the model space will not be converted in that mode.
- No - to skip conversion
- The mechanical structure is initialized but blocks and external references are not converted.