PROPULATE command (Express Tools)

Lists, removes or updates drawing properties data.

BricsCAD Lite; BricsCAD Pro; BricsCAD Mechanical; BricsCAD BIM



Allows you to list, remove or update drawing properties data. Using a template, the drawing properties data can be added to folders of drawings. If a customized template is used it is possible to extract attribute values from title blocks to the drawing properties. The information that can be extracted are attribute values of blocks and lists of attached xrefs, images and fonts.

Options within the command

Active template
Opens the Select Propulate Template File dialog box that allows you to select a propulate template file that is used to update drawing properties fields.
Edit template
Opens the Edit Propulate Template dialog box that allows you to create and edit propulate template files.
Allows you to choose between Current drawing and Other drawings.
Current drawing
Displays the drawing properties for the current drawing.
Other drawings
Asks you to specify a search directory and a drawing name.
Note: If you add a * in the directory, all the drawings starting with the directory part before the * will be searched and optionally its subfolders. For example, if you use C:\Drawings\Plan*, all the drawings with a name that start with Plan will be searched in the C:\Drawings folder.
Search subdirectories?
Choose Yes to search in subfolders of the directory.
Removes the drawing properties from the current drawing or a specified drawing.
Propulates the drawing properties from the current drawing or a specified drawing using the active template.