-BLOCK command

Groups entities into a block.

BricsCAD Shape; BricsCAD Lite; BricsCAD Pro; BricsCAD Mechanical; BricsCAD BIM

Alias: -B


Specify whether the block will follow annotative scaling and match the orientation of the viewport.

Note: Optionally, include REFERENCECURVES during the selection of entities which allows to automatically align a block during insertion.

Options within the command

Name for new block
Specifies the name of a new block.
Lists the names of blocks already in the drawing, so that an existing name won’t be used.
Note: If an existing name is entered, BricsCAD asks you if you want to redefine the block. If it is redefined, all the instances of that block name will be changed.
Insertion point for new block
Pick a point in the drawing or enter X, Y and Z coordinates.
Note: The Z coordinate is optional, default is 0.
Specifies if the block will follow annotative scaling.
Orient relative to sheet in paper space viewports
Determines if the annotative blocks match the orientation of the layout.