Polecenie TŁO

Stosuje tło do bieżącej rzutni.

BricsCAD Shape; BricsCAD Lite; BricsCAD Pro; BricsCAD Mechanical; BricsCAD BIM


Alias: TŁ


Otwiera okno dialogowe Tło w celu zastosowania tła do bieżącej rzutni.

You can choose from four types: None, Solid, Gradient, and Image.

Uwaga: Set Backgrounds = On in Visual Styles in Drawing Explorer dialog box to apply the changes you may make in Background dialog box. This option is available in all visual styles, except 2DWIREFRAME.


When background type is set to None, the Background dialog box includes 2 areas:

  1. Type
  2. Preview

Specifies the background type for the current viewport. When the background type is None, default colors are applied to the current viewport.


Displays a preview of the background. When set to None, the background depends on the PERSPECTIVE variable:

  • Off: background is the color specified by the BKGCOLOR variable, most often black or white.
  • On: two-color gradient that simulates the ground with the sky; the colors are specified by variables that begin with Gradient-, such as GRADIENTCOLORTOP, GRADIENTCOLORMIDDLE and GRADIENTCOLORBOTTOM.
Uwaga: After changing the variables' values, rerun the GRADIENTBKGON command.


When the background type is set to Solid, the Background dialog box includes 3 areas:

  1. Type
  2. Choose a color
  3. Preview
Specifies the background type for the current viewport. When the background type is Solid, a single color is applied to the current viewport.
Choose a color
Specifies the current color for the solid background. You can click on the color swatch to display the Select Color dialog box and specify a different color.
Displays a preview of the background using the color you selected.


When the background type is set to Gradient, the Background dialog box includes 3 areas:

  1. Type
  2. Colors
  3. Preview
Specifies the background type for the current viewport. When the background type is Gradient, a gradient between 2 or 3 colors is applied to the current viewport.
Gradient settings
Specifies the rotation and colors for the gradient background.
Rotate field
Specifies the rotation angle of the gradient background. You can type an angle or use the arrows to increase or decrease the angle.
Specifies the colors for the gradient background.
Applies a two-color gradient to the background. When you select this option, the dialog box displays two color swatches. One is for the top color and one is for the bottom color. You can click on the color swatch to display the Select Color dialog box and specify a different color.
Applies a three-color gradient to the background. When you select this option, the dialog box displays three color swatches. One is for the top color, one is for the middle color, and one is for the bottom color. You can click on the color swatch to display the Select Color dialog box and specify a different color.
Displays a preview of the background using the colors you have selected.


When the background type is set to Image, the Background dialog box includes 3 areas:

  1. Type
  2. Choose image and settings
  3. Preview
Specifies the background type for the current viewport. When the background type is Image, a raster image is applied to the current viewport.
Image settings
Specifies the file and position for the image background.
Path field
Specifies the name and location of the image file. You can enter the path by typing or choose the browse button to open the Select Image File dialog box.
Specifies the position of the image within the current viewport. Options include Center, Stretch and Tile.

Centers the image in the viewport.


Stretches small images to fit the size of the viewport.


Tiles the image as needed to fill the viewport.

Lock aspect ratio

Specifies whether the aspect ratio of the image is maintained when the image is scaled. This option is only available when the Sliders adjust option is set to Scale.

  • ON: maintains the image's aspect ratio; the x and y sliders move together.
  • OFF : allows the image to be distorted; the x and y sliders move independently of each other.
Sliders adjust

Specifies the function of the 2 slides that display in the Preview pane.

  • Offset: moves the image in the viewport.
  • Scale: resizes the image; allows you to make the image the same size as the viewport.
Displays a preview of the background using the image file and options you specify.
X and Y sliders

Adjusts the offset and/or the scale of the image in the viewport. Which one is adjusted, offset or scale, is determined by the Slides adjust setting.

  • X: moves the slider left and right. The X field updates accordingly. You can also type a value into the X field.
  • Y: moves the slider up and down. The Y field updates accordingly. You can also type a value into the Y field.
Resets the offset to a default value of 0 and resets the scale to a default value of 1.