Extracts a 3D solid, 3D mesh, TIN surface, 3D polyline or outer boundaries from a corridor.

BricsCAD Pro; BricsCAD Mechanical; BricsCAD BIM



Extracts a 3D solid, 3D mesh, TIN surface, 3D polyline or outer boundaries from a corridor. Corridor template element (CTE) is defined by points, links and shapes and each of these can contain multiple codes. Corridor region applies template (a collection of CTEs) at incremental stations along it's baseline. Subsequent points, links or shapes are stitched together to form a newly extracted entity. Points are used to extract 3D polylines and outer boundaries for each region separately. Similarly shapes are used to extract 3D solids or 3D meshes in each region. Whereas links are used to create TIN surfaces, but they are always combined from all regions into a single TIN surface, and can only be specified using codes.


There are three methods to use CORRIDOREXTRACT command:

  • Extract all 3D solids, 3D meshes, 3D polylines, TIN surface or outer boundaries.
  • Extract individual 3D solids, 3D meshes, 3D polylines TIN surface or outer boundaries.
  • Extract 3D solids, 3D meshes, 3D polylines, TIN surface or outer boundaries by code.

Options within the command

Extracts a 3D mesh.
All Shapes
Extracts 3D mesh or 3D solid from all shapes.
by Codes
Extracts 3D mesh or 3D solid by codes.
Extracts a 3D solid.
Specifies the links to extract.
? to list all link codes
Lists all link codes in command line.
liSt selected link codes
Lists the selected link codes.
Extracts a 3D polyline.
All Stringlines
Extracts a 3D polyline from all stringlines.
Note: Stringlines are lines that connect points with the same code value along the corridor baseline.
by Codes
Extracts a 3D polyline from all stringlines by code.
outer Boundaries
Extracts the outer boundary as a 3D polyline.
Create dynamic link
Specifies if the created boundary or stringline should be linked to the original corridor.