DRAG command

Moves 3D solids.

BricsCAD Shape; BricsCAD Lite; BricsCAD Pro; BricsCAD Mechanical; BricsCAD BIM



Moves 3D solids perpendicular to a selected face by dragging that face. Optionally preserves connections to other solids.


After selecting one or more planar face(s):

  • Type a value in the dynamic distance field.
Note: Toggle Dynamic Input ON from the Status bar.
  • Type a value in the Command line.
  • Move the cursor to adjust the value in the dynamic distance field.
Note: The selected face(s) move(s) dynamically. The manipulator displays the distance from the current position of the selected face in the dynamic entry field.
Note: Select a different reference face by repeatedly pressing TAB key to cycle all parallel faces of the solid. All parallel faces under the cursor are recognized.

Options within the command

Disable connectivity mode
The connectivity is not kept.
Note: This mode is set as default.
Note: Press Ctrl key to toggle the enable connectivity mode.
Enable connectivity mode
The connectivity is kept.
Note: Press Ctrl key to toggle the disable connectivity mode.
Optionally the Hot Key Assistant can be toggled On, from the status bar, to display the current used connectivity mode.
Note: If the Hot Key Assistant is not displayed, right click on the toggle button and check its configuration.