WKLEJ_S polecenie

Otwiera specjalne okno dialogowe Wklej.

BricsCAD Shape; BricsCAD Lite; BricsCAD Pro; BricsCAD Mechanical; BricsCAD BIM


Alias: PA

Uwaga: Jest to polecenie tylko dla systemu Windows.


Otwiera specjalne okno dialogowe Wklej w celu wybrania typu obiektu do wklejenia ze schowka do rysunku. Polecenie jest dostępne tylko w systemie Windows. Skrót klawiszowy: CTRL+ALT+V.

  1. Source
  2. Paste As
  3. Paste Link
  4. Result
  5. Display As Icon


Displays the path where the drawing/entity/block can be found.

Paste As

Chooses the format in which to paste the entities. This list varies, depending on the content of the Clipboard. When the Clipboard contains data copied from a BricsCAD drawing, then the following formats are available:
  • Picture Metafile: entities are converted to WMF (Windows Metafile) format image and then pasted as an OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) image.
  • Bitmap: Entities are converted to a BMP format image and then pasted as an OLE image.
  • BricsCAD Entities: pastes as individual entities or table entries including layers, linetypes, etc.
  • BricsCAD Block: inserts the contents of the clipboard into your document as a block.

Paste As BricsCAD Entities

Pastes CAD entities into the drawing as BricsCAD entities.

Select insertion point or [Rotate/Scale/Mirror]: - (enter an option)
  1. Select insertion point – (specifies a point in the drawing by picking a point or entering X, Y coordinates)
  2. Rotate -prompts you:

    Specify rotation angle – (enter an angle by which to rotate the entities)

  3. Scale -prompts you:

    Specify scale factor for XYZ axes – (enter a scale factor)

  4. Mirror – prompts you:

    Select mirroring control point – (Pick a second point for the mirror line)

The insertion point is the first point for the mirror line. When you enter 0,0 for the insertion point, the entities are pasted to their original coordinates.

Paste As BricsCAD Block

Opens the Insert Block dialog box.

Here is the same dialog box, but it has some new options as the entities are copied from an Excel spreadsheet.

If you copy a text string from outside of BricsCAD, there are some new options as shown in the picture below:

Paste Link

This option is not available for CAD entities. Pastes the entities in the drawing as an OLE object and then creates a link to the originating application.


Displays a short description of the selection option you want to use.

Display As Icon

This option is not available for CAD entities. Displays the pasted entities as an icon identifying their source application.