User Profile Manager dialog box

The User Profile Manager dialog box allows you to set the current user profile, to create, copy, delete, import and export profiles.

  1. Create
  2. Set Current
  3. Copy...
  4. Delete
  5. Export...
  6. Import...
  7. Start


Allows you to create a new profile, using built-in default settings. The Create profile dialog box displays:
Profile name
Allows you to type a name for the new profile.
(Optional) Allows you to type a description for the new profile.

Set Current

Sets the selected profile as the current profile.
  • You can also double click a profile to set it current.
  • The current profile is marked in the list with a check mark.


Creates a new profile as a copy of an existing profile. The Copy profile dialog box displays:


Deletes the selected profile.
Note: Deleting the current profile is not possible. When trying to do so, a dialog box displays that allows to reset all settings to factory defaults.


Exports the selected profile to an .arg (profile file) or .reg (registry file) to a specified folder.
Note: Exporting and importing a profile allows you to migrate user preferences from one computer to another.


Imports saved profiles.


Starts a BricsCAD session using the selected profile.

  • This option is only available when the command is launched when executing profilemanager_app.exe in the BricsCAD installation folder. By default, the path is: C:\Program Files\Bricsys\BricsCAD en_US.
  • If the SINGLETONMODE preference variable is set to On, it is not possible to have multiple BricsCAD sessions open simultaneously.