Otwiera okno dialogowe Menedżer profilów użytkowników .

BricsCAD Shape; BricsCAD Lite; BricsCAD Pro; BricsCAD Mechanical; BricsCAD BIM


Otwiera okno dialogowe menedżer profilów użytkowników do tworzenia, kopiowania, usuwania, importowania i eksportowania profilów użytkowników.

  1. Create
  2. Set Current
  3. Copy...
  4. Delete
  5. Export...
  6. Import...
  7. Start


Allows you to create a new profile, using built-in default settings. The Create profile dialog box displays:
Profile name
Allows you to type a name for the new profile.
(Optional) Allows you to type a description for the new profile.

Set Current

Sets the selected profile as the current profile.
  • You can also double click a profile to set it current.
  • The current profile is marked in the list with a check mark.


Creates a new profile as a copy of an existing profile. The Copy profile dialog box displays:


Deletes the selected profile.
Uwaga: Deleting the current profile is not possible. When trying to do so, a dialog box displays that allows to reset all settings to factory defaults.


Exports the selected profile to an .arg (profile file) or .reg (registry file) to a specified folder.
Uwaga: Exporting and importing a profile allows you to migrate user preferences from one computer to another.


Imports saved profiles.


Starts a BricsCAD session using the selected profile.

  • This option is only available when the command is launched when executing profilemanager_app.exe in the BricsCAD installation folder. By default, the path is: C:\Program Files\Bricsys\BricsCAD en_US.
  • If the SINGLETONMODE preference variable is set to On, it is not possible to have multiple BricsCAD sessions open simultaneously.