Drawing multilines
Multilines are made of two or more parallel lines, according to the style created by the MLSTYLE command.

The Multiline tool is available on:
- the Draw menu
- the Draw toolbar
- the Draw ribbon panel
General procedure
- Launch the MLINE command.
Current Settings: Justification = Top, Scale = 20.00, Style = Standard
You are prompted: Specify start point or [Justification/Scale/STyle]:
- Specify a point.
You are prompted: Set end point or [Angle/Length/Undo]:
- Specify a point.
You are prompted: Set end point or [Angle/Length/Follow/Undo]:
- Specify a point.
You are prompted: Set end point or [Angle/Length/Follow/Close/Undo]:
- Do one of the following:
- Specify more points.
- Choose the Close option to create a closed loop.
- Right click to conclude.
Multilines are created using the current multiline style as defined by the CMLSTYLE system variable.
The CMLJUST system variable sets the justification of the multiline relative to the specified points. The options are:
- Top: At the top line of the multiline style.
- Zero: At the zero offset of the multiline style definition.
- Bottom: At the bottom line of the multiline style.
The CMLSCALE system variable sets the scale of the multiline.
The properties of a multiline can be edited in the Properties panel.