3DROTATE command

Rotates entities around an axis in 3D space.

BricsCAD Shape; BricsCAD Lite; BricsCAD Pro; BricsCAD Mechanical; BricsCAD BIM


Dynamically rotates 3D solids, surfaces, 2D entities, faces (planar, cylindrical, spherical, conical, and toroidal faces of a 3D solid or surface), edges, or vertices of a solid around an axis.

Note: When the face of a solid or surface is rotated, adjacent faces and edges are adjusted to preserve the correct solid/surface topology.


There are two methods to rotate entities:

  • Specify an axis.
  • Use the geometry of an object as the axis for rotating the selected entities.
    • Hover over a line or linear polyline segment. Click when the entity highlights.
    • Hover over a 3D solid face, then move the cursor close to the edge you want to use as the rotation axis. A rotation arc and the rotation axis display dynamically. Click to accept the rotation axis.

Options within the command

Rotates the selection around the X-axis of the current coordinate system.
Rotates the selection around the Y-axis of the current coordinate system.
Rotates the selection around the Z-axis of the current coordinate system.
Defines the rotation axis by two points.
Uses the geometry of an object to determine the axis for rotating the selected entities.

Click to start the rotation of the selected entity. It automatically selects a rotation axis if the cursor is over a planar face.

Uses the last entered axis for rotating the entities.
Uses the current view as the axis for rotating the entities.
Note: The axis of rotation is parallel to the direction of view, passing through the picked point.
Rotation angle
Specifies the angle by which to rotate the entities.
Base angle
Allows you to define a new base angle.
Rotates a copy of the selection set.
Creates multiple copies.
Disable connectivity mode
Removes the connectivity with adjacent entities.
Enable connectivity mode
Keeps the connectivity with adjacent entities.
Note: If the HOTKEYASSISTANT system variable is on, press the Ctrl key to cycle between disable/enable connectivity mode.
Note: Geometric and dimensional constraints between selected entities are taken in consideration, as well as the lower and upper bounds parameters for 3D dimensional constraints. Constraints can be accessed and modified through the Mechanical Browser panel.