Replaces block definitions.


There are two methods to replace block definitions:

  • By replacing all block instances.
  • By replacing particular block instances.
  • Modified (anonymous) instances of dynamic blocks cannot be selected by name.
  • Externally dependent blocks cannot be replaced.
  • When a block with attributes is replaced by a block without attributes, the replaced block reference retains the old attributes.
  • When a block without attributes is replaced by a block with attributes, the replaced block references doesn’t insert new attributes.
  • When an annotative block is replaced with a non-annotative block, the block reference keeps the old context data manager and annotation scales in the extension dictionary.
  • When a non-annotative block is replaced with an annotative block, BricsCAD adds context data immediately according to CANNOSCALE.
  • When a dynamic block is replaced by a non-dynamic block or another dynamic block, the old extension dictionary AcDbBlockRepresentation is removed from the block reference.

Options within the command

Enter name of block to be replaced
Enter the name of the block to be replaced. Note that modified (anonymous) instances of dynamic blocks cannot be selected by name.
Lists the block names.
select object (=)
Select a block reference with the desired name. Note that modified (anonymous) dynamic blocks cannot be selected.
options (*)
Lists the replace options.
by block Name
Enter a block name to replace. Note that modified (anonymous) dynamic blocks cannot be selected by name.
Selected block instances
Selects any block instances, including modified (anonymous) dynamic block instances to be replaced.
SIMilar inserts

Replaces all modified (anonymous) and unmodified instances of dynamic blocks and all instances of non-dynamic blocks selected.

Enter block name or file to replace selected entities
Enter a block name or file to replace selected entities as follow:
  • blockname: name of a block already defined in the current drawing;
  • fileName.dwg: name of an external .dwg or .dxf file (file name will be used as a new block name);
  • blockName=fileName.dwg: when new block name should be different than fileName.
Note: fileName.dwg can have blocks with the same names as in the current drawing. In this case blocks from file do not re-define blocks with the same names already present in the current drawing.
Note: The file name should include the entire path if the file is not located in the support file search path.
Enter a block name or a file name to replace selected entities. The file name should include the entire path if the file is not located in the support file search path.
Purge unreferenced when finished?
Removes unreferenced block instances.