Classifies an entity and gets a name and an internal unique GUID (= globally unique identifier).
Note: The GUID is maintained even when the BIM classification changes.
A classification can be assigned to any .dwg entity.

Select the entities to classify or press Enter to classify the entire drawing.
The BIM elements definition are detailed in the Classify As BIM Element dialog box. For more information, see the related article Classify As Bim Element dialog box.
Options within the command
- Wall
- Classifies the selection as walls.
- Column
- Classifies the selection as columns.
- Slab
- Classifies the selection as slabs.
- Beam
- Classifies the selection as beams.
- wIndow
- Classifies the selection as windows.
- Door
- Classifies the selection as doors.
- sPace
Classifies 2D and 3D entities as spaces. (IFC Spatial Structure Element)
Converts BIM rooms to BIM spaces.
- buiLding
- Classifies 3D entities as buildings. (IFC Spatial Structure Element)
- sTory
- Classifies 3D entities as stories. (IFC Spatial Structure Element)
- building Element
- Classifies the selection as unspecified building elements.
- Xref
- Classifies the selection as External References.
- Other
- Allows to classify the selection or convert the selection to a block and classify the block reference.Note: Displays the Classify As Bim Element dialog box.
- Auto
- Automatically classifies the selected entity or entities.Note: This is the same as running BIMIFY command.
- stRuctural
- Classifies the selection as Building Structure Elements.
- Unclassify
- Removes all BIM data from the selected entities.