Stretches the ends of linear solids.

Stretches the ends of linear solids while maintaining previously made connections between other linear solids in the overall structure.
There are two methods to use BIMSTRETCH command:
- Stretch structural connections.
Note: Stretching elements that are classified as Beam, Column or Member.
- Stretch MEP connections.
Note: Stretching elements that are classified as Flow segments.
Before using the BIMSTRETCH command make sure that:
- ‘Display sides and ends’ is enabled.
- ‘Display Axes’ is enabled.
- Structural profiles are connected with StructuralConnect.
- MEP connections are connected with FlowConnect.
Note: Before running the command, select the ends of the entities that will be modified.
Options within the command
- Base Point
- Specifies new basepoint to start the displacement from.
- Copy
- Makes a copy of the connected entities and places them in the new position.
- Undo
- Undoes the last action.
- Exit
- Exits the command.