CIRCLE command

Creates circle entities.

BricsCAD Shape; BricsCAD Lite; BricsCAD Pro; BricsCAD Mechanical; BricsCAD BIM


Alias: C


Creates a circle from a combination of options including the center, radius, two points, three points or tangent to entities. You can also convert an arc to a circle.


There are 8 different methods to create circle entities:

  • Circle Center-Radius
  • Circle Center-Diameter

  • Circle 2-points

  • Circle 3-point

  • Circle Tangent-Tangent-Radius

  • Circle Tangent-Tangent-Tangent

  • Convert Arc to Circle

  • Multiple circles

Options within the CIRCLE command

Select center of circle
Allows you to specify the center of the circle (1).
Set Radius
Allows you to specify the radius of the circle (2).
Set Diameter
Allows you to specify the diameter of the circle (3).
2 Point
Allows you to specify 2 diametrically opposite points (1 and 2) to define the circle.
3 Point
Allows you to specify 3 points to define the circle.
Defines the circle by two tangent points to other entities (1 and 2) and its radius (3). When you specify a radius that is not possible with the selected tangents, you are prompted to specify the second tangent and the radius again.
Defines the circle by three tangent points to other entities (1, 2, and 3).
turn Arc into circle
Converts an arc entity into a circle by extending it to 360 degrees.
Multiple circles
Creates multiple circles with the same size using one of the listed methods above. Press Enter to end the command.