Opens the Insert object dialog box.

BricsCAD Lite; BricsCAD Pro; BricsCAD Mechanical; BricsCAD BIM

Alias: IO

Note: This is a Windows only command.


Opens the Insert object dialog box to insert an OLE object into the current drawing.

The Insert Object dialog box allows you to insert a linked or embedded document in the current drawing.

  1. Create new Object
  2. Create from File
Note: The object types listed varies according the software installed on your computer.

Create new Object

  1. Display as icon
  2. Change icon
Display as icon
Displays the object as an icon. The icon is related to the document type and is defined by source application.
Change icon
Opens the Change Icon dialog box. For more information, see the article Change Icon dialog box.

Create from File


Toggles linkage to the source document:

  • On: links the object in the drawing to the source file, so that when the source file is changed, the linked object also changes.
  • Off: does link not the object.