LAYISO command
Isolates the layers of selected entities.

Isolates the layers of the selected entities, meaning only the layers of selected entities remain visible or unlocked, and all other layers will be hidden or locked.
Select one or more entities on layers you want to isolate. You can continue selecting entities until you press Enter to end the command. If all selected entities are on the same layer, the Command line indicates which layer has been isolated and makes it the current layer:
This layer has been isolated: LayerName1. This layer is current: LayerName1.
If the selected entities are on more than one layer, the Command line indicates how many layers have been isolated.
Number of isolated layers: #.
If the selected entities don’t include one from the current layer, the current layer is changed to one of the isolated layers.
Options within the command
- Settings
- Allows you to specify the behavior of layers that are not isolated.
- Off
- Hides entities on layers that are not isolated. You can specify how entities are hidden for layout viewports.
- VPFreeze: freezes layers in the current viewport.
- Off: freezes layers in all viewports. This is the default option.
- Lock
- Locks layers that are not isolated. This is the default option.