LAYOUTMERGE command (Express Tools)

Merges entities from specified layouts into a destination layout.

BricsCAD Lite; BricsCAD Pro; BricsCAD Mechanical; BricsCAD BIM



Opens the Select Layouts to merge dialog box that allows you to merge entities from specified layouts into a destination layout, saving the corresponding views.

  1. Layouts to merge
  2. Destination layout
  3. Type a layout name

Layouts to merge

Allows you to choose one or more layouts to be merged.

Destination layout

Allows you select a destination layout from the list.

Type a layout name

Allows you to type a layout name. If the layout does not exist, the Create layout? dialog box opens which asks you if you want to create the layout or not.

Options within the command

Remove empty layouts?
Allows you to choose to delete empty layouts or not.