Opens the Drawing explorer dialog box with Lights selected.
Alias: LL
Opens the Drawing explorer dialog on the Lights category to manage the lights in the selected drawing.
Options within command
- General
- Defines general settings of the sun.
- Intensity factor
- Specifies an intensity factor that makes the light brighter or dimmer, at its source.
- Sun Angle Calculator
- Defines the sun angle by entering date, time and location information.
- Rendered Shadow Details
- Defines shadow rendering settings.
- Graphic Location
- Defines the graphic location.
Note: For more information about the properties of a distance light named Sun, which
simulates sunlight, see SUNPROPERTIES command.
Context Menu Options
- New
- Creates a new layers state with a generic name.
- Delete
Deletes the selected layer state from the drawing.
Note: Layer states that are used in the drawing will be deleted without warning.
- Select lights in the drawing
- Selects a light through the model space of the drawing.
- Rename
- Renames the item.
- Select All
- Selects all items.
- Invert selection
- Deselects the current selection and vice versa.