Opens the Tool Palettes panel.

BricsCAD Lite; BricsCAD Pro; BricsCAD Mechanical; BricsCAD BIM


Opens the Tool Palettes panel to display it in the current workspace. The Tool Palettes panel appears at the same size and location that it did before it was closed or collapsed. Like any other dockable panel, the Tool Palettes panel can be either floating, docked or stacked.

The Tool Palettes panel offers a central location to access blocks, hatches, and command tools.

It includes default tabs with sample tools. You can easily create and customize your own tabs and tools using the right-click menu.

  1. Palettes Tabs
  2. Add tool palette button
  3. Tool Palettes list button
  4. Tools
  5. Add button
  6. Search
  7. Tool palettes context menu
  8. View modes

Palettes Tabs

Displays a list of available palettes.
Note: The current palette is highlighted with a blue line.
Note: The tab items have a fixed height, so not always the name is legible. The entire name of the palette will be displayed when hovering over the tab. A palette can be renamed by double clicking on it, or from the context menu which is displayed by right clicking the panel tab.
Note: Using the up and down arrow button the user can see the hidden tabs.
  • Tab labels should be "Elided"
Note: The Tab bar changes his position depending on the docking of the Tool Palettes panel.

Add tool palette button

Adds a new tool palette.

Tool Palettes list button

Lists all available tool palettes. User may choose the current palette.


Displays a list of available tools in the current palette.

Right-click menus offer additional functionality for tools:

Note: Rectangle selection is available to select multiple tools.
Removes the selected tools from the palette.
Copies the selected tools to the clipboard.
Removes the selected tools from the palette.
Renames a tool.
Specify Image…
Allows you to specify another image for the tool.
Note: To restore the original tool image, right-click the tool and choose Remove Image... in the context menu.
Manage Flyout options...
Opens the Flyout Options dialog box which allows you to enable tool flyouts.
Note: Tool flyouts via XTP import are supported.

The predefined flyouts Package Shape are available in: C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Bricsys\BricsCAD\V25x64\en_US\Support\shapes.btc file.

Opens the Tool Properties dialog box, which allows you to edit a tool (see Tool Properties dialog box article).

Add button

Allows you to add new tools, texts and separators.
  • Texts and separators can be cut, copy and pasted from the context menu.
  • Texts and separators can be drag & dropped.


Allows you to search for specific tools in the current palette. The list is shortened to display only the tools that contain the entered sequence of characters, regardless of where they are located in the tool's name.

Tool Palettes context menu

Opens the tool palettes context menu.

View Options…
Opens the View options dialog box, which allows you to modify the display of the tool icons (see View options dialog box article).
Add text
Adds a text into the current palette.
Add Separator
Adds a separator into the current palette.
Update Palette
Updates the palettes.
New Palette
Allows you to add a new palette.
Delete Palette
Allows you to delete the current palette.
Rename Palette
Allows you to rename the current palette.
Customize Palettes…
Opens the Customize (Tool Palettes) dialog box, which allows you to customize the palettes. You can import and export palettes or create, import and export palettes groups.
Add Tool...
Opens the Customize (Tool Palettes) dialog box, which allows you to add a new tool (see Customize (Tool Palettes) dialog box article).

View modes

Icon with text
Displays tools in a grid view in icon and text mode.
Icon only
Displays tools in a grid view in icon mode only.
List view
Displays the tools in a list view in the current palette.