VBAMAN command
Opens the VBA manager dialog box.
Opens the VBA manager dialog box.
The VBA Manager dialog box allows you to manage VBA projects.
- Drawing
- Embedded Project
- Projects
- Extract
- Embed
- New
- Save As
- Load
- Unload
- Macros
- Visual Basic Editor
Displays the names of drawings currently open in BricsCAD:
Choose a drawing name from the drop-down list; the embedded project is listed in the Embedded Project text box, if any.
Embedded Project
Displays the name of the embedded project, if any.
- Name
- Displays the names of projects loaded into BricsCAD at this time.
- Location
- Displays the drive and folder names of DVB and VBI files.
Removes the project from the current drawing; displays dialog box:
Yes: displays the Save As dialog box:
Name the project and click Save.
No: removes the project from the drawing without saving it as a DVB file.
Cancel: cancels the command; the project remains in the drawing.
Embeds a project in the current drawing. If the project is a new one, and has not yet been saved, this option displays the Save As dialog box.
Each drawing can contain just one embedded project; after one project is embedded, the Embed button becomes unavailable. To change embedded projects, use the Extract option to remove the current project.
Creates a new VBA project; gives the generic name VbaProject . Use the Save As option to rename and save the DVB or VBI project file.
Save As
Saves the selected project by another name. Displays the Save As dialog box.
Loads DVB and VBI project files; displays the Open dialog box.
Unloads the selected project without a warning.
Displays the Run BricsCAD VBA Macro dialog box (see Run BricsCAD VBA Macro dialog box related article).
Visual Basic Editor
Opens the VBA integrated development environment.