Array Properties


Component array is an associative array made of a parametric component. Component arrays have a special representation in the Mechanical Browser panel.

Component array have 2 main subnodes:
  • Source: node that contains source object and its parameters. Source object can be presented as a component or subassembly with specific properties.
  • Elements: node that contains all instances of source object.

Component array context menu is displayed by a right click on the array node, while array properties are displayed automatically when selecting an array in the Mechanical Browser.

Context menu Description
Component array context menu Right-click an array:
  • Replace...: replaces a component insert (see the BMREPLACE command).
  • Dissolve: dissolves an array created in the current drawing (see the BMDISSOLVE command).
  • Unmech: removes all mechanical structure (see the BMUNMECH command).
  • Custom properties: opens the Mechanical Properties dialog box.
  • Edit source block: opens for editing the source entity.
  • Reset instance custom properties: resets instance custom properties to defaults inherited from a corresponding block.
  • Hide / Show : hides or shows the selected array.
  • Visual Style: displays the Visual Style menu. Visual Styles that are saved in the current drawing are available.
    • By parent component: renders the selected array according to the shademode of the parent component (see the SHADEMODE command).
    • All by Viewport: renders all arrays according to the current viewport shademode (see the SHADEMODE command).
  • Zoom to: zooms to the selection set.
  • Select: selects the array.
  • Select all: selects all arrays with the same definition.
  • Select same: selects all arrays with the same definition and the same parameter values.
  • Highlight all: highlights all arrays with the same definition.
  • Highlight same: highlights all arrays with the same definition and the same parameter values.
  • Delete: removes the selected array from the assembly.
  • Renumerate similar nodes: renumerates all nodes of the same type and the same level.
  • Collapse all: collapses the main component and all components and subcomponents.
  • Expand all: expands the main component and all components and subcomponents.