Creating linear dimensions

Linear dimensions annotate linear distances or lengths and can be oriented horizontally, vertically or aligned parallel to an existing entity or to the selected origin points.

The following commands create linear dimension entities:

  • DIMLINEAR: creates horizontal and vertical linear dimensions with respect to the current coordinate system (World or UCS).
  • DIMALIGNED: creates dimensions parallel to (aligned with) lines and polyline segments. The command also works with polyline arc segments, arcs, and circles, but dimensions their diameters (see DIMDIAMETER command).
  • DIMBASELINE: places multiple linear and angular dimensions, all starting at the same base point of an existing dimension. This command works only when at least one other dimension already exists in the drawing.
  • DIMCONTINUE: places a chain of dimensions by continuing linear or angular dimensions from the endpoint of the previous dimension or another existing dimension.
  • DIMARC: places dimensions that measure the lengths of arcs and polyline arc segments.

Creating a horizontal or vertical linear dimension

  1. Launch the DIMLINEAR command.

    You are prompted: Origin of first extension line <Select entity>:

  2. Do one of the following:
    • Specify the origin of the first extension line, then specify the origin of the second extension line.
    • Press Enter, then select the line or linear segment of a polyline you want to dimension.

    The dimension line is dynamically displayed.

    Move the cursor in to create a horizontal dimension, or horizontally to create a vertical dimension.

  3. Specify a point to position the dimension line.

Creating an aligned linear dimension

  1. Launch the DIMALIGNED command.

    You are prompted: Origin of first extension line <Select entity>:

  2. Do one of the following:
    • Specify the origin of the first extension line, then specify the origin of the second extension line.
    • Press Enter, then select the line or linear segment of a polyline you want to dimension.

    The dimension line is dynamically displayed.

  3. Specify a point to position the dimension line.

Creating a rotated linear dimension

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Click the Rotated tool button on the Dimensions toolbar or ribbon panel.
    • Choose Rotated in the Dimensions menu.

    You are prompted: Origin of first extension line <Select entity>:Do one of the following:

  2. Do one of the following:
    • Specify the origin of the first extension line, then specify the origin of the second extension line.
    • Press Enter, then select the line or linear segment of a polyline you want to dimension.

    You are prompted: Angle of dimension line <0>:

  3. Do one of the following:
    • Type the rotation angle in the Command line, then press Enter.
    • Enter the rotation angle by specifying two points.

    The dimension line is dynamically displayed.

  4. Specify a point to position the dimension line.

Creating baseline and continued dimensions

  • When selecting the starting dimension, the baseline or continued dimension starts from the selected extension line or the nearest extension line, when you click the dimension line itself.
  • If you select an angular dimension, stacked or continued angular dimensions are created.
  • The distance between the stacked dimension lines is controlled by the DIMDLI system variable (Dim baseline spacing property in the dimension style).

Creating baseline dimensions

  1. Launch the DIMBASELINE command.
  2. If no linear or angular dimensions have been created yet in the current session, you are prompted: Select dimension for baseline:
    Select a linear or angular dimension.
    A baseline dimension displays dynamically.
    Otherwise you are prompted:
    Baseline: Origin of next extension line or [Select starting dimension/Undo] <Select starting dimension>:
    A Baseline dimension displays dynamically, from the most recently created linear or angular dimension.
    Optionally, press Enter and select another linear or angular dimension.
  3. Specify a point to create the first baseline dimension.
    A new baseline dimension displays from the same starting dimension dynamically.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • Specify a point to create a new baseline dimension.
    • Press Enter to select another starting dimension for the next baseline dimension(s).
    • Press the Esc key to stop.
  5. Repeat step 4.

Creating continued dimensions

  1. Launch the DIMCONTINUE command.
  2. If no linear or angular dimensions have been created yet in the current session, you are prompted: Select dimension to continue:
    Select a linear or angular dimension.
    A baseline dimension displays dynamically.
    Otherwise you are prompted:
    Continue: Origin of next extension line or [Select starting dimension/Undo] <Select starting dimension>:
    A new dimension displays dynamically, from the most recently created linear or angular dimension.
    Optionally, press Enter and select another linear or angular dimension.
  3. Specify a point to create the first continued dimension.
    A new continued dimension displays dynamically.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • Specify a point to create a new continued dimension.
    • Press Enter to select another starting dimension for the next continued dimension(s).
    • Press the Esc key to stop.
  5. Repeat step 4.

Creating an arc length dimension

  1. Launch the DIMARC command:

    You are prompted: Select arc or polyline arc segment:

  2. Select the arc or polyline arc segment.

    The arc length dimension is dynamically displayed.

  3. Specify a point to position the dimension line.