Edits corridor template elements by adding or removing components and targets.
Edits corridor template elements by adding or removing components (points, links, shapes) and targets to an existing template element.
- After insertion, points (1), links (2), shapes (3) and targets (4) can be also edited in the Properties panel.
The currently selected point and link are highlighted.
- The green square (5) represents the origin of the corridor template element.
Options within the command
- Add Point
- Adds a new point to an existing template element by specifying its location.
- Basepoint
- Allows to specify a basepoint, relative to which the position of the new point is determined. A new point can be inserted directly after the specified basepoint or as the last point of the selected template element.
- by Index
- Allows to enter an index which corresponds to the point template element component (point, link, shape) by the index. The index represents the sequence number of the template element component.
Point P1 has an index value of 1, point P2 value has an index value of 2, and so on. Link L1 has an index value of 1, link L2 has an index value of 2, and so on. The same applies to shapes.
- Add new points directly after the basepoint?
- Toggles between Yes or No.
- Unset basepoint
- Unsets basepoint, which is set to the origin for the new point.
- unset insertion Index
- Unsets insertion index, which is set to the last value for the new point.
Let's take an example from the figure above, where the template element consists of 10 points, named P1 to P10. Assume that we want to insert a new point directly after the specified basepoint P5. If we select the unset insertion Index option in the command line, the new point will get an index value equal to 11, so the name of new point will be P11. If this option is not selected, the new point will get an index value of 6 and the point name will be P6. Existing points from P6 onwards are re-indexed and renamed.
- insert bEfore
- Adds new point before a specified point.
If a new point is added to the template element before the existing point P5, the new point will get an index value equal to 5, and the name P5. The existing point will be re-indexed and renamed to P6.
Links between existing points and a newly added point are not created automatically, so these points need to be re-linked.
- insert After
- Adds new point after a specified point. The index of a newly added point is one unit higher than the index of an existing selected point.
If a new point is added to the template element after the existing point P5, the new point will get an index value equal to 6, and the name P6. Existing points from P6 onwards are re-indexed and renamed.
Links between existing points and a newly added point are not created automatically, so these points need to be re-linked.
- Remove Point
- Removes the template element point by clicking on it or by typing an index. The remaining points are re-indexed accordingly after editing.
- Add Link
- Creates a link between selected points.
- Remove Link
- Removes the template element link by clicking on it or by typing an index. The remaining links are re-indexed accordingly after editing.
- Add Shape
- Creates shapes from template element links.
Shapes determine the geometry of the cross-sectional elements. They can be created from a single template element link or from multiple links forming a closed polygon. We assign materials to the shapes in the Properties panel for a realistic representation of the Corridor model.
- Remove Shape
- Remove the template element shape by clicking on it or by typing an index. The remaining shapes are re-indexed accordingly after editing.
- Add Target
- Allows you to create Surface, Horizontal and Vertical targets.
When the geometry of an individual corridor template element must follow a specific surface, horizontal or vertical object, a target is created and added to the corresponding point on the corridor template element.
- Remove Target
- Removes template element target by clicking on it or by typing an index.