OPEN command
Opens the Open file dialog box.

Opens the Open file dialog box to select a file to open in the drawing editor.
Supported open file formats are:
- Standard Drawing File (.dwg)
- Drawing Exchange Format (.dxf)
- Template Format (.dwt)
- Standards File (.dws)
- Windows Metafile Formats (.wmf; .emf; .wmz; .emz)(1) (2)
- Collada (.dae)
- Micro Station DGN File (.dgn)
Formats available with the BIM add-on:
- Rhino file (.3dm)(1) (2)
- SketchUp file(.skp)(1) (2)
- IFC file (.ifc; .ifczip)
- Revit Family (.rfa)(1) (2)
- Revit Project (.rvt)(1)
(1) Not available in BricsCAD for Linux.
(2) Not available in BricsCAD for macOS.