Symbol Style dialog box

The Symbol Style dialog box allows you to define a new symbol style. Opens via the Civil Explorer panel's Settings tab.

  1. Info
  2. Symbol
  3. Display


Specifies general information of the selected symbol style.

  1. Name
  2. Description
  3. Details

Sets and displays of the symbol style name.


Sets and displays the description of the symbol style.


Displays Last saved by and Last saved date.


The Symbol tab allows you to set the symbol style.

  1. Create symbol from
  2. Setting
  3. Preview
Create symbol from
Specifies which symbol type is used to create the Symbol style from. You can select several options from the drop-down menu.
  • Point object
    Uses a point object as basis for the Symbol style.
  • Custom symbol
    Allows you to create a symbol style starting from one of the custom symbols below:
    • None
    • Dot
    • Plus
    • X Mark
    • Line
    Two additional options can either be toggled On or Off:
    Circle frame
    Adds a circle frame to the symbol style.
    Square frame
    Adds a square frame to the symbol style.
  • Block

    Allows you to create a symbol style from a block in the drawing.


Allows you to specify specific characteristics depending on the selected symbol type.

Custom symbol settings

Symbol size type

Defines the size type of the symbol. Size can be set to:

  • Drawing scale

  • Fixed scale

  • Absolute units

  • Relative to screen

Depending on the selected symbol size type, there are additional settings to determine size, scale (in X,Y and Z direction), rotation or orientation.


Defines the size of the symbol.

Maximum Size

Controls the maximum size of the symbol.

Scale X

Defines the fixed scale in X direction. The actual Symbol size multiplied by the value of Scale X.

Scale Y

Defines the fixed scale in Y direction. The actual Symbol size multiplied by the value of Scale Y.

Scale Z

Defines the fixed scale in Z direction. The actual Symbol size multiplied by the value of Scale Z.

Symbol Rotation

Controls the maximum size of the symbol.

Symbol Orientation

Controls the orientation of the symbol on user-defined coordinate system (based on Object, View, or To World Coordinates).

Note: The options Symbol Size type and Size are not available when starting from a Point object.
Displays a preview of the specified symbol style.

Display tab

Allows you to specify the display of all symbol components.

  1. View direction
  2. Component type characteristics
View direction
Specifies for which view direction the display characteristics are modified. Two options are available:
  • Plan
  • Model
Component type characteristics
Specifies the display characteristics of the symbol component.

Specifies the color of the symbol component.


Specifies the layer of the symbol component.


Specifies the linetype of the symbol component.

Linetype Scale

Specifies the linetype scale of the symbol component.


Specifies the lineweight of the symbol component.