Connecting solids




Walls, profiles, plies, etc. are all created as native 3D solids. So, any of the 3D Solids Editing commands can be used to modify them. Use BIM Connect commands to connect two solids in different ways.

The LCONNECT command creates an L-connection (bisector or parallel) between two solids.

The TCONNECT command creates a T-connection between two solids.

The BIMSTRUCTURALCONNECT command connects structural profile solids such as beams and columns.

The BIMFLOWCONNECT command creates a connection between flow segments, such as pipes or HVAC ducts.

The procedures below use the Quad cursor menu.

Procedure: creating L-connections

  1. Make sure SELECTIONMODES system variable = 0.
  2. Type LConnect in the Command line or select it via the Quad.
  3. Select two solids or faces to connect.
  4. The two selected solids are connected: the default connection type is L-bisector.
    If HOTKEYASSISTANT system variable is ON (HKA is switched on), the Hotkey Assistant widget displays.

    Use the CTRL key to cycle between the connection types.

    You are prompted: Select base solid [Switch] <Accept>. Type Ato use the selected connection, type S to switch to the desired connection type.

    The 3D model updates dynamically when cycling the L-connection types.
    Note: L-connections can also be created between non-vertical solids such as roof slabs.

Procedure: Creating T-connections

The following procedure allows connecting minor faces of a solid to the major faces of other solids, regardless of what the orientation of the faces is. As a result, you can use TCONNECT command to T-connect solids.
  1. Make sure the Select Faces option of the SELECTIONMODES system variable is selected.

  2. Type TCONNECT in the Command line or select it via the Quad.
  3. Move the cursor over the minor face of the first solid at the end that needs to be connected.

    Press Tab to highlight obscured faces.

    Click when the face highlights.

  4. (Optional) Repeat the previous step to select more faces, then press Enter.
    Tip: The SELECTALIGNEDFACES command in the Select command group in the Quad selects all faces in the 3D model that are in the same plane (coplanar) with a selected face.
  5. You are prompted: Select entities to connect to or [Connect to nearest/Disconnect/selection options (?)] <Connect to nearest>:
  6. Do one of the following:
    • Press Enter to connect to the nearest face(s).
    • Select one or more faces.

      If necessary, press Tab to highlight an obscured face; click when the face is highlighted.

      Right click to stop selecting faces.

      Tip: Hover over the minor face of the solid and choose Connect with Nearest in the Model command group of the Quad.
Creating T-connections ply-by-ply

3DModel Calculated Section

To control the connection of composition plies between two building elements, you can Push/Pull a ply in a clipped BimSection (if Show Composition is ON). For more in-depth information, visit the BIM Ply Editing article.

To create a T-connection ply-by-ply in a section, do the following.
  1. Place the cursor over the face of the ply you want to connect. If necessary, repeatedly press Tab to select an obscured face.
  2. When the ply face highlights, choose Push/Pull in the Quad.
  3. Specify to which point the selected ply should reach by moving the cursor or typing in the distance.
  4. Right-click or press Enter to confirm.

    The ply of the first solid is connected to the ply of the second solid. The connected ply is subtracted from the second solid.

  5. Optionally, use the BIMPROPAGATEPLANAR command to apply the connection to similar locations in the model.

Procedure: Setting the distance between parallel solids

  1. Select the solid of which the position must be fixed.
  2. Select the solid which will be moved when defining the new distance.

    The nearest distance between the solids displays.

  3. Type a value in the distance field and press Enter.

Procedure: Creating a copy of a solid

Creating a parallel copy of a solid
  1. Make sure the Select Faces option of the SELECTIONMODES system variable is selected.

  2. Move the cursor over a face of the solid to be copied.
  3. When the face highlights, choose BimCopy in the Model command group of the Quad.

    A copy of the solid displays dynamically. The ruler indicates the current distance.

  4. Type a value in the dynamic entry field and press Enter.
Creating a partial copy of a solid
  1. Make sure the Enable boundary detection option of the SELECTIONMODES system variable is selected.

  2. Highlight the part of the boundary for the part of the solid you want to copy.

  3. When the face highlights, choose BimCopy in the BIM command group of the Quad.

    A partial copy of the solid displays dynamically. The ruler indicates the current distance.

  4. Type a value in the dynamic entry field and press Enter.

Procedure: disconnecting two connected solids

In some cases, you need to disconnect 2 solids of a node to do some further direct modeling.

You select two solids and it breaks the connection by separating the two solids physically and removes all end clippings at the side of the connection. As such, these solids can direct modeled upon again.

  1. Type LCONNECT in the Command line.
  2. Select the two solids.
  3. The connection is automatically made, press CTRL until the disconnect icon is highlighted.

  4. Press Enter.

    Note: You can use Propagate to disconnect similar nodes.