MEP flow connection points




When creating flow elements like Flow Terminals and Flow Segments, you can add a 2D symbol and classify it as a Flow Connection Point. A flow connection point contains BIM data where you can predefine the profile you want to use with this flow component. When you select the flow connection point and use the commands BIMLINEARSOLID or BIMFLOWCONNECT, BricsCAD will automatically use a BIM Profile based on the given information.

See the related links for more information about Linear Solids.

See the related links for more information about MEP modeling.

Procedure: creating a flow connection point

In this procedure, you will learn how to create your own HVAC components with flow connection points. As an example, we will create an air heat pump unit.

Creating a flow connection point in the Library panel
  1. Draw a box with the desired dimensions (80x40x80 cm) representing the heat pump.
  2. Select the box and launch BIMCLASSIFY with the <Other> option or hover over the box and select Classify Manually in the BIM tab of the Quad.
  3. Classify the box as Building Service Elements > Flow Terminal and click OK.
  4. Open the Library panel.
  5. Go to the MEP Flow Connection Points.

  6. Place HVAC Outlet Round on the heat pump box.

  7. Select the Outlet and click the BIM/Profile property in the Properties panel.

  8. Click the browse () button.

    The Profiles dialog box displays.

  9. Choose the desired profile and click the Select button.
  10. Go back to the Library panel and click Add block to library button. The Add block to library dialog box opens.

  11. Choose a name and category and click the Create button.

    See the Library panel article for more information about adding a component to the library.

    The drawing is now saved as a component and can be used in other drawings.

Creating a flow connection point from scratch
  1. Draw a box with the desired dimensions (80x40x80 cm) representing the heat pump.
  2. Select the box and do one of the following:
    • Launch BIMCLASSIFY with the Other option.
    • Hover over the box and select Classify Manually in the BIM tab of the Quad.
  3. Classify the box as Building Service Elements > Flow Terminal and click OK.
  4. Draw a circle on the top face of the box.

  5. Select the circle and launch BIMCLASSIFY with the Other option.
  6. Classify the circle as Building Service Elements > Flow Connection Point and click OK.
  7. Select the circle.
  8. In the Properties panel, select the BIM/Profile property and click the Browse () button.

    The Profiles dialog box displays.

  9. Set Type and Standard as HVAC.

  10. Select the desired profile and click Select.
  11. Go to the Library panel and click Add block to library. The Add block to library dialog box opens.
  12. Choose a name and category and click Create.

    The drawing is now saved as a component and can be used in other drawings.

Procedure: Creating an HVAC System

In this procedure, we will use flow connection points to create a ventilation system.
  1. Let's start from a file with a series of flow terminals and a ventilation unit, e.g. the attached MEP.dwg file.
  2. Select the flow terminals and the ventilation unit.
  3. Launch BIMFLOWCONNECT or select Connect Flow Segments in the Structural/MEP ribbon tab.

  4. Press the CTRL-key to switch between the alternative setups and press Enter.

  5. Click the Tune option or enter T in the Command line to modify the chosen setup.
  6. Click the Topology option or enter T in the Command line.

  7. Select the check icons to modify the layout of the system.

  8. Press Enter three times to finish the command.
    Note: BricsCAD automatically uses the profiles that were assigned to the ventilation units. This information is stored in the Flow Connection Points.
