Editing hatches and gradient fills

Hatches and gradient fills can be edited:

  • In the Properties panel.
  • Using the HATCHEDIT command, in a dialog box.
  • Using tools in the Edit command group in the Quad when a hatch or gradient fill entity is selected.

To edit a hatch or gradient fill in the properties panel

  1. Select the hatch or gradient fill in the drawing.

    The properties of the selected entity display in the Properties panel.

  2. Select the property you want to edit in the Properties bar.

    The selected property field is activated.

  3. Edit the selected property.
  4. Press the Esc key to stop editing the hatch.
  • When multiple hatches or gradient fills are selected properties which are different display as *varies*. If you edit such property, the changes apply to entire selection.
  • Linetype, Linetype scale and Lineweight properties apply to User Defined pattern types only.

To edit a hatch or gradient fill in a dialog box

The Edit Hatch tool is available on:

  • the Modify menu
  • the Modify toolbar
  • the Modify ribbon panel
  1. Do one of the following:
    • Launch the HATCHEDIT command.

      Select a hatch or gradient entity.

    • Double click a hatch or gradient fill entity.

    The Hatch Edit dialog box displays.

  2. Edit the properties and settings.

    The changes are applied in real time.

  3. Click the OK button to accept the changes.

To edit a hatch or gradient fill using the Quad

  1. Pause the cursor on the hatch or gradient fill.

    The Quad displays.

  2. Move the cursor to the Quad.
  3. (option) In the Edit tab, click the Add Loop button.

    You are prompted: specify internal point or [Select entities/Undo]:

    • Click inside a closed area,


      Type S , then press Enter to select entities.

    • Right click or press Enter to conclude.
  4. (option) In the Edit tab, click the Remove Loop button.

    The boundaries of the selected hatch highlight.

    You are prompted: select entities:

    • Click the boundaries you want to remove.
    • Right click or press Enter to conclude.
  5. (option) In the Edit tab, click the Send to back button.

    All hatches in the drawing are sent behind other entities.

  6. (option) In the Edit tab, click the Match button.

    You are prompted: select entities to copy properties to or [Settings/selection options (?)]:

    • Select the hatch entities to copy the properties to.
    • Right click or press Enter to conclude.
  7. (option) In the Draw tab, click the Generate Boundary button.

    The boundary of the hatch is generated.