Editing polylines
Use the edit polyline segments tools in the Quad or use the PEDITEXT command to:
- Add a vertex.
- Add multiple vertices
- Add vertices at the start or end.
- Modify the bulge factor of a segment.
- Add or remove a bulge.
- Stretch a vertex or a segment.
- Delete multiple vertices or segments.
- Delete a segment or a vertex.
Use the PEDIT command to:
- Convert an entity into a polyline.
- Fit a curve to a polyline.
- Taper a polyline uniformly along its length.
- Reverse the direction of a polyline.
Edit a polyline in the Properties panel to:
- Open or close a polyline.
- Apply a uniform width to a polyline.
- Change the width of a polyline segment.
- Set the linetype mode (PLINEGEN system variable).
Use grips editing to:
- Move a vertex.
- Move a segment.
- Remove a vertex.
Using the edit polyline segments tools in the Quad
- Place the cursor over the segment you want to edit without selecting the polyline.
The entire polyline is highlighted.
- Choose one option from the Modify section of the Quad.Note: If you press Ctrl key, only the segment under the cursor is highlighted and one of its vertices is marked with a dot.
The editing tools, similar to the options of the PEDITEXT command, are available in the Quad:
- Add vertex: adds a vertex to the segment under the cursor.
- Add vertex at end: adds as a new vertex at the end of the polyline.
This option is only available if the cursor is on one of the endpoints of a polyline.
- Add Multiple vertices: adds multiple vertices
- Add bulge: adds the bulge of the segment under the cursor.
- Remove bulge: removes the bulge of the segment under the cursor.
- Remove segment: deletes the segment under the cursor or the highlighted vertex.
- Remove Multiple segments: deletes the segments under the cursor or the highlighted vertex.
- Stretch segment: moves the segment under the cursor.
- Stretch vertex: moves the vertex closest to the cursor.
- Select a tool, then follow the instructions in the Command line.
How to remove a vertex using Quad
- Place the cursor over a segment and hold down the Ctrl key to highlight it.
- Activate the vertex by moving the cursor near the desired end of the segment. A dot will mark the active vertex.
- Click the Remove segment button in the Quad.
How to edit a vertex using Grips
- Select the vertex grip. It will be marked with red.
- When the Hotkey Assistant is enabled, you can cycle through stretching, adding, and removing vertex by pressing the Ctrl key.
Launching the PEDIT command
Do one of the following:
- Double-click a polyline.
- Click the Edit Polyline tool in the Modify menu.
- Click the Edit Polyline tool on the Modify toolbar.
Converting an entity into a polyline
- Launch the PEDIT command.
- Select the entity.
You are prompted: The selected entity is not a polyline. Turn it into one? [Yes-turn into polyline/No-leave as is] <Yes-turn into polyline>:
- Press Enter or right-click.
You are prompted: Edit polyline [Edit vertices/Close/Decurve/Fit/Join/Linetype mode/Reverse direction/Spline/Taper/Width/Undo] <eXit>:
- Choose an option or right-click to stop.
Fitting a curve to a polyline
- Launch the PEDIT command.
- Select the polyline.
- Do one of the following:
- Choose the Fit option.
- Choose the Spline option.
- Press Enter or right-click to conclude the PEDIT command.
Original polyline After applying Fit After applying Spline
- Use the Decurve option to restore the original polyline.
- The SPLINESEGS (Spline Segments) system variable controls the number of segments (lines or arcs) to be generated for spline-fit polylines.
Tapering a polyline uniformly along its length
- Launch the PEDIT command.
- Select the polyline.
- Choose the Taper option.
You are prompted: Enter new starting polyline width <current width>:
- Type a value.
You are prompted: Enter new ending polyline width <current width>:
- Type a value.
The polyline is tapered.
- Press Enter or right-click to conclude the PEDIT command.
Reversing the direction of a polyline
- Launch the PEDIT command.
- Select the polyline.
- Choose the Reverse direction option.
The direction is reversed.
- Press Enter or right-click to conclude the PEDIT command.
Opening or closing a polyline
- Select the polyline.
- Select the Closed property under Misc in the Properties panel.
- Choose No or Yes.
- Double-click the polyline.
- Type C to close, or O to open.
Applying a uniform width to a polyline
- Select the polyline.
- Select the Global width property under Geometry in the Properties panel.
- Type the desired width.
Changing the width of a polyline segment
- Select the polyline.
- Select the Vertex property under Geometry in the Properties panel.
An X mark is displayed at the start vertex of the polyline.
- Click the arrow keys at the right hand side of the vertex property field to set the X marker at the start vertex of the segment you want to change the width of.
- Select the Start width property and type the desired width.
- Select the End width property and type the desired width.
Setting the linetype mode
The Linetype generation mode (PLINEGEN system variable) controls how a dashed linetype is applied to a multi-segment polyline. When disabled, dashed linetypes are applied per segment: start/end with a dash at each vertex.
PLINEGEN On (left) and Off (right)
- Select the Polyline.
- Select the Linetype generation property under Misc in the Properties panel.
- Select disabled or enabled.