Selection methods

Before you start using modification commands, you need to know how to compose a selection set.

If the PICKFIRST variable is ON, you can build the selection set before starting the command. If the PICKFIRST variable is OFF, you are prompted to select the entities after you launched the modification command.

Using Quick Select (QSELECT command), you can specify filters such as entity type, color, linetype or any other entity property, to compose a selection set.

The SELECTIONCYCLING, SELECTIONPREVIEW, and PREVIEWEFFECT system variables facilitate the selection procedure.

The SELECTIONPREVIEWFILTER system variable allows you to exclude entities from being selected: entities on locked layers, entities in Xrefs, tables, MTexts, hatches, entities in group.

Composing a selection set before (pre-pick)

To compose a selection set before launching a modification command, do one or more of the following:

  • Click entities.

    Selected entity highlight and grips are shown.

  • Area selection:
    • Click to define the first corner of a selection area.

      Move the mouse to the left to define a Crossing area:

    • All entities that overlap or that are completely inside the rectangle are added to the selection set.

      By default, the selection area is displayed in green with a dashed line.

    • Click to define the first corner of a selection area.

      Move the mouse to the right to define a Window area:

    • All entities that are completely inside are added to the selection set.

      By default, the selection area is displayed in blue with a continuous line.

  • When working with 3D solids and surfaces, pressing the Ctrl key during window selection allows you to select faces or edges instead of the entire solid or surface. The icon next to the cursor indicates the selection mode:
    • Solids (default)

    • Faces

    • Edges

    • Edges Sheet Metal side

      Note: The Edges Sheet Metal side option is available in the Hotkey Assistant widget only if a document has the sheet metal context. It allows you to select several flanges' edges belonging to a certain side of the model.

    If HOTKEYASSISTANT in ON, the Hotkey Assistant widget indicates the current selection mode:

  • Press an hold the Shift key, then use one of the above methods to remove entities from the selection set.
  • The Selection Area system variables control the display of the area selection effects.
  • When the PICKADD system variable is OFF, you cannot add entities to a selection set.
  • Press and hold the left mouse button to start window selection when the entity under the cursor highlights. This method is especially helpful for window selection in rendered 3D models.
  • You can only select vertices of 3D solids if bitcode 8 of the SELECTIONMODES system variable is selected.
  • Lasso selections can be made if the bitcode >= 4 of PICKAUTO system variable is selected.

Composing a selection set afterward (post-pick)

If you launch a modification command when no selection set is active, you are prompted to select entities first. BricsCAD provides a range of selection methods to compose your selection:

  • Add to set: adds selected entities to the selection set.
  • Subtract from set: removes selected entities from the selection set.
  • Picking: place the pick-box over a part of the object and click.
  • Select all entities: selects all entities in the entire drawing, including entities which are on hidden layers. Entities on frozen layers are not selected.
  • Previous selection: re-uses the previous selection set.
  • Last entity in drawing: selects the most recent entity.
  • Window: all entities that are inside, overlap or are completely outside a window are selected. You can choose between a rectangle, a polygon or a circle.
  • Fence: selects all entities that cross a multi-segment line.
  • Point: click a point to select all closed entities that enclose this point.
  • Select by Properties: displays the Select by Properties context menu to select entities by Color, Layer, Linetype, Name, Thickness, Type, Value, Width or Handle.
  • Undo: undoes the last selection action.
  • Location: displays the Select Location context menu.

Selecting overlapping and obscured entities

When entities are on top of each or are obscured by other entities, it is difficult or sometimes impossible to select such entities.

Cycling through the overlapping entities and highlighting each entity one by one helps you select such entities.

Note: Vertices of 3D solids are only included in the cycling process if bitcode 8 of the SELECTIONMODES system variable is selected.
Selection dialog box method (SELECTIONCYCLING==2)
Make sure that SELECTIONCYCLING == 2 (the Selection dialog box displays) and the Quad cursor menu is active (controlled by the QUADDISPLAY system variable).
  1. Place the cursor over the overlapping entities.
    A badge displays to signal overlapping entities. The entity on top is highlighted.
  2. Click the overlapping entities.

    A selection dialog box displays listing the entities from front to back.

    Note: If you click away without making a selection, the top entity is automatically selected.
  3. Click the desired entity in the list.

    The entity is now selected and removed from the selection dialog box.

  4. Repeat the previous steps to select more entities.
Make sure that SELECTIONPREVIEW ==1 or 3, and ROLLOVERTIPS == 1.
  1. Place the cursor over the overlapping entities.

    One of the entities highlights.

  2. Repeatedly press the Tab key.

    The overlapping entities highlight one by one.

  3. Click when the desired entity highlights.
  4. Repeat the previous steps to select more entities.
  • Do not move the mouse while pressing the Tab key, because this will restart the highlight order.
  • Hold down the Shift key to cycle the overlapping entities in reverse order.

Selecting subentities

By default, the entire entity is selected. This method allows you to select subentities of compound entities, such as polylines, 3D polylines, regions, 3D solids, etc.

  1. Place the cursor over the subentity.
  2. When the entire entity highlights, hold down the Ctrl key.
  3. Click when the subentity is highlighted. The properties of the selected subentity are displayed in the Properties panel.
  4. (Optional) Repeat the previous steps to select more subentities.

The following subentities can be selected: polyline segments, vertices and segments of 3D polylines, vertices, edges and faces of regions, surfaces, meshes and 3D solids.