Controls relative positions of the axis of linear solids.




Adds eccentricity to linear solids with respect to their axis.


Select one or multiple linear solids and choose a base location. You can use the widget or type a location in the Command line.

Optionally, you can insert an additional offset vector.

Note: BIMADDECCENTRICITY command only works with structural elements.

Options within the command

Choose base location
  • Click one of the nine locations of the widget.
  • Type a location in the Command line. The options are: TR: Top Right, TM: Top Middle, TL: Top Left, MR: Middle Right, ML: Middle Left, BR: Bottom Right, BM: Bottom Middle, BL: Bottom left, C: Center (resets the axes of the selection set to the default location)
Extra offset
Allows to move axis to any point.
  • Reset: resets extra offset.
  • To centroid: moves axis to the geometrical midpoint of the profile.
  • Eccentricity: allows to set axis to one of the nine predefined positions.