Applies a profile to linear entities and linear solids.

BricsCAD Shape; BricsCAD BIM



Allows you to add profiles, to detach current profile and to convert solids to line.

Note: Linear entities accepted: lines, polylines, arcs, circles, elliptical arcs, ellipses and helixes. Open and closed splines are accepted only if they have default tangents that are not self-intersecting.


There are two methods to apply profiles:

  • Choose a profile from the library.
  • Choose a profile entity in the drawing.

Options within the command

Select path
Select linear entities or linear solids.
Select profile
Select a profile entity in the drawing (a closed 2D entity, a region or an existing linear solid) or press Enter to display the Profiles dialog box.
Apply profile?
  • Quarter turn: rotates the profile 90° counterclockwise.
  • Rotate: rotates the profile at a user-defined angle. Positive values rotate the profile counterclockwise.
  • Delete clippings: removes all clippings from the selected linear solid(s).
Opens the Profiles to change the profile.
convert solids to Line
Converts linear solids to their axis line.
DEtach current profile(s)
Detaches profiles only if the entities have an attached profile.