Attaches/detaches a BIM composition to solids.

The command:
- Attaches a selected composition to selected solids.
- Detaches compositions from the selected solids.
Note: To preview in the drawing the attached compositions, turn On the RENDERCOMPOSITIONMATERIAL system variable.
Select a composition and the solids to attach the composition to, then choose a reference face.
The command finds the broken connections (mitered/butted) between the selected solids and adjacent solids and automatically restores them.
Note: Make sure the KEEPCONNECTIONS system variable is turned On.
Accept/reject all restored connections or check connections individually.
There are three methods to select the composition to be attached to solids:
- Enter the composition name.
- Use the Compositions dialog box.
- Select an entity with a composition attached.
Note: You can also drag an drop the composition from the Compositions panel.
Options within the command
- Dialog
- Opens the Compositions dialog box.
For more information about the dialog box, see the article BLCOMPOSITIONS command.
- Entity
- Applies the composition of an existing solid. First, select the entities to copy the composition from; next, select one or more entities to which to attach the composition.
- deTach
- Allows you to detach a composition, while keeping the BIM classification, as different from the Unclassify option of the BIMCLASSIFY command, which removes all BIM data.
- Accept
- Accepts all automatically restored wall-wall connections.
- Reject
- Rejects all automatically restored wall-wall connections.
- Check individually
- Zooms in the view to each restored connection and lets you accept/reject it.
- Yes
- Accepts the restored connection. Select Confirm.
- No
- Rejects the restored connection. Select Confirm.
- Confirm
- Confirms the previous option selection.