Inspects the BIM Project details and their references.



The command opens a command context panel that lets you see which BIM Project detail has references in a Project's 3D model/sheet (lists its references, if any). It also checks the links between all detail references/layouts and their DWG files.


Use the command with a Project's 3D model or sheet file open.

The command context panel displays the details in tree views, with each node representing a detail. For each detail, the number of the detected references is displayed near the detail's name. Expand a node to see the references.

Through the command context panel you can:
  • Identify detail references by highlighting in the drawing the ones selected in the panel (for 3D models/sheets).
  • Update links between detail references in the model or detail layouts on sheets and detail DWG files (for 3D models/sheets).
  • Insert on the current sheet layouts of BIM details referenced in the model (for sheets).
  • Update detail layouts inserted on the current sheet (for sheets).

Right-click a detail to display a context menu with actions specific to the current file.

3D model:
  1. Details with references
  2. Details without references
Details with references
Lists all project details that have references in the 3D model.
Details without references
Lists all project details without references in the 3D model.
Context menu options:
Link a detail file
Allows you to reassign a detail file to a detail in the database.
Note: The option is available only when the detail file is missing.
  1. Details with tags and layouts
  2. Details without tags and layouts
Details with tags and layouts
Lists all details on the sheet that have tags and layouts. Expand a node to see the detail references/layouts.
Details without tags and layouts
Lists all details on the sheet that do not have tags and layouts.
Context menu options:
Link a detail file
Allows you to reassign a detail file to a detail/a detail layout in the database.
Note: The option is available only when the detail file is missing.
Insert detail layout
Lists the names of the layouts in the selected detail's file and allows you to insert one the sheet.

Type in a layout name, press Enter, then select the insertion's base point and second point.

Update layout
Updates the inserted detail layout.