Creates a BIM Section entity.

Creates a BIM Section entity with the section plane (1) in the XY-plane of the current coordinate system (WCS or UCS) and the view direction (2) in the negative Z-direction of the current coordinate system.

Note: If dynamic UCS (UCSDETECT) is On, the section plane aligns to the face of a 3D solid under the cursor.
BIM Section entities are created on the current layer. A separate BIM_SECTION layer is generated to store section indicators. For more information, see the Guide article Generating drawings.
There are seven types of BIM Section entities that can be created using the BIMSECTION command:
- Plan: displays a horizontal section plane that cuts though the model.
- Section: displays a vertical section that cuts though the model.
- Elevation: displays the exterior elevation view of the model.
- Detail: displays a manually defined section volume.
- Reflected Ceiling Plan: displays a horizontal section plane that cuts though the model, with the view direction oriented downwards and the ceiling lines projected on this plane.
- Interior Elevation: displays an interior elevation view for each wall of the selected space.
- Interior Floor Plan: displays a horizontal section plane that cuts though the selected space, containing the associated interior elevations indicators.
Note: You can change the Section typeproperty of the selected BIM Section entity from the Properties panel.
Note: The GENERATEASSOCVIEWS system variable controls if the VIEWSECTION command produces 2D drawings which are persistently associated with the source 3D model. If GENERATEASSOCVIEWS is On, associative dimensions are updated automatically when the 3D model is modified and BIMSECTIONUPDATE is executed.
Options within the command
- Select a point to place section
- Allows you to specify a point.Note: The section plane displays dynamically parallel to UCS XY-plane, through the cursor position.
- Specify distance
- Allows you to type a distance or specify a point.Note: It is recommended to have Dynamic input (DYN) active. It allows to enter the distance in the dynamic entry field.Note: The section plane is defined through the point or at the specified offset from the first point. The section line is parallel to the X-axis of the UCS or dynamic UCS and through the point at the specified offset from the first point.Note: Only the section line and the callouts of a BIM Section entity display. When highlighted or selected, the section plane, section boundary and/or section volume display as well.
- set clipping oN
- Sets the Clip display property to On.Note: This option is set by default. If the Hot Key Assistant (HKA) system variable is On, press the Ctrl key to toggle the Clip display property Off.Note: Multiple sections can have the Clip display property set to On simultaneously. This property can be saved in a model view (see the VIEW command).
- set clipping Off
- Sets the Clip display property to Off.Note: You can change the Clip display property in the Properties panel.
- Detail
- Creates a Detail section type. For more information, see the Guide article Define detailed section.
- Interior
- Creates interior elevations and a floor plan of the selected spaces.Note: The BIM/Interior elevation property of a space is set to On. Use the BIMSECTIONUPDATE command to update the interior elevation.
- Scale
- Sets the Scale property of the viewport in the drawing file created by the BIMSECTIONUPDATE command. Note: The default Scale is saved through the SECTIONSCALE user preference (default value is 0.02) in the Settings dialog box.
- Reflected ceiling
- Creates the plan of a ceiling projected onto the section plane.Note: A reflected ceiling plan shows the size and location of light fixtures and other structures on the ceiling. The clip display property of a reflected ceiling section is Off by default.
Grips editing
BIM Section entities can be edited through grips, depending on their State property. The State property can be changed from the Properties panel.
- Plane state:
- Start grip (1) allows you to move the section and the position of the Start callout.
- End grip (2) allows you to modify the orientation of the section and the position of the End callout.
- Center grip (3) allows you to move the section and the position of the Mid callout.
- The arrow (4) flips the view direction.
- Boundary state:
- Midpoint grip (1) allows you to move the section entity.
- Corner grip (2 & 4) allows you to deform the section boundary/volume.
- Midpoint grip (3 & 5) allows you to stretch the section boundary/volume.
- Volume state:
- (6) allows you to move the top plane of the section entity.
- (7) allows you to move the bottom plane of the section entity.