SECTION command
Creates section planes.

Alias: SEC
Creates section planes of 3D solids, surfaces, polyface meshes, and 3D faces. The result is a slice made of region entities.
Options within the command
- Object
- Creates the section from entities that intersect the 3D solid.
- Zaxis
- Creates a section in the plane defined by one point on the plane, and a second on the plane’s normal (z axis).
- View
- Creates a section in the plane of the current 3D viewport.
- XY (3)
- Creates a section parallel to the x, y plane.
- YZ (2)
- Creates a section parallel to the y, z plane.
- ZX (1)
- Creates a section parallel to the z, x plane.
- 3points
- Pick points to specify the location of the plane in which the section lies.