Copies 3D Solids, Block references or a set of faces from one location to another, using reference faces of the user's choice.

Selecting a solid, a block or a set of faces activates the automatic detection of connections and source faces. These source faces should not intersect with the detail extents.
Only faces with analytical geometry (planar, cylindrical, spherical, conical and toroidal) are taken into account.
To find insertion points, the algorithm uses faces in a similar way as how COPYGUIDED uses curves.
Dynamic dimensions are used to position the detail entities.
The detail can transform to fit a new position. The transformation of the detail can consist of translations, rotations and mirrorings.
The detail can be visualized in two colors:
- Blue means the detail extent is in Free mode without any possibilities to insert.
- Green means the algorithm has recognized a placement for the detail extents, the transformation has been found and the detailed has already been transformed in the preview. Therefore, the next mouse-click will insert the detail using the found transformation.
When a possible insertion has been detected, press the Ctrl key to cycle through all detected alternatives for the current cursor placement. Next, hold down the Shift key to fix a set of faces, to prevent the command from searching for these faces.
Option within the command
- Manually specify source faces
- Sets the source faces manually.
- specify Base point
- Pick a point or enter coordinates to specify the base point.
- Rotate detail
- Allows you to rotate the detail dynamically.
- Reset
- Resets the selection entirely or alters the automatic selection.
- Automatic detection of source faces
- Sets the recognition of source faces to automatic.
- Disable display of source faces
- Toggles the display of source faces.