Combines the functionality of multiple stand-alone BricsCAD commands that help to improve overall drawing size and accuracy.

BricsCAD Lite; BricsCAD Pro; BricsCAD Mechanical; BricsCAD BIM



Combines the power of multiple commands (PURGE, AUDIT, FINDOUTLIERS, SOLIDIFY, SIMPLIFY, OVERKILL, BLOCKIFY, OPTIMIZE, ARRAYDETECT) in one location. Reduces drawing size, removes unused styles, entities and layers and improves drawing quality.

You can run the DWGHEALTH command in the Interactive mode.

When you run the command for the first time, a tutorial dialog opens, explaining the DWGHEALTH command in two steps.

The DWGHEALTH command opens the Drawing Health Command Context panel:

  1. Create new
  2. Select a routine
  3. Drop-down list
  4. Save as
  5. Edit
  6. List of the tasks included in the routine
  7. Interactive mode
  8. Start

Create new

Opens the Create Routine dialog box that allows you to add a new routine. See the related article Create Routine dialog box.

Select a routine

Allows you to select a routine from the drop-down list.

Drop-down list

Lists all available routines, predefined and custom.

The predefined routines are:

Fix errors
Analyze and repair 2D and 3D entities in your drawing.
Reduce drawing size
Reduce drawing size (where applicable) by removing unused objects, duplicate overlapping geometry, and block definitions with identical contents. Properties to be included or filtered can be selected under each task.
Repair 3D imports
Clean and repair imported 3D models from non-DWG programs. This routine addresses issues such as geometry errors, converting meshes to solids, and simplifying 3D solids after conversion. The routine may improve performance and reduce file size on large imported 3D solid files.

Click the Manage routines... button to open the Manage Routines dialog box. See the related article Manage Routines dialog box.

Save as

Opens the Save Routine dialog box to save the custom routine with the desired name.

Note: The Save as button appears only after you run an unsaved routine via the Run button in the Create Routine dialog box/Edit Routine dialog box. See the related articles.


Opens the Edit Routine dialog box where you can edit the selected routine. See the related article Edit Routine dialog box.

List of the tasks included in the routine

Lists all tasks that will run with the selected routine.

Interactive mode

Switches to manual checks and fine-tuning. For each routine task, a panel will open containing the same options as the corresponding commands, where you can fine-tune the cleanup of the drawing.


Performs the routine.

If the Interactive mode button is active, a panel opens for each routine task. Choose your settings and press the Next button to open the next task panel.

Note: DWGHEALTH tasks and their corresponding stand-alone commands support zoom functionality, where applicable. 'Applicable' here means that the task has something to zoom to (for example, purge doesn't). Zoom is available either by double-clicking an item or right-clicking it and selecting the Zoom option. In the latter case, the application will zoom to all selected objects, if applicable.
Note: For the Overkill - duplicate blocks task, when the Overkill operation touches multiple entities, it is only possible to apply the changes to the entire group.

After the last task, it opens the Report on the drawing's cleanup, which displays all items detected and cleaned.

Note: Tick the Save report check-box to save the report to a TXT file.