TJUST command (Express Tools)
Changes the justification point of text, mtext, and attribute definition entities.

Options within the command
- Start
- Justifies the text at the left of the baseline.
- Center
- Justifies the text in the center of the baseline.
- Middle
- Justifies the text in the center.
- Right
- Justifies the text on the right of the baseline.
- TL
- Justifies the text at the top left of the text.
- TC
- Justifies the text at the top in the middle.
- TR
- Justifies the text at the top right of the text.
- ML
- Justifies the text in the middle left.
- MC
- Justifies the text in the middle center.
- MR
- Justifies the text in the middle right.
- BL
- Justifies the text at the bottom left.
- BC
- Justifies the text at the bottom center.
- BR
- Justifies the text at the bottom right.