Manages visual styles.

The command sets and manages visual styles at the Command line.
Options within the command
- set Current
- Sets a visual style for the current viewport. The options are:
- 2dwireframe
- Wireframe
- Hidden
- Realistic
- Conceptual
- Shaded
- shaded with Edges
- shades of Grey
- SKetchy
- X-ray
- Other
- cUrrent
Note:- Other option allows you to select a custom visual style. For example, BIM templates have specific predefined visual styles, Bim, Maquette, Render and See-through.
- cUrrent option sets the current visual style.
- Save as
- Saves the current visual style by a new name when you make changes to the properties of a visual style.Note: 2dWireframe visual style cannot be saved.
- Rename
- Allows you to rename custom visual styles.Note: Default visual styles cannot be renamed.
- Delete
- Deletes a visual style by name.Note: The currently-used style and those defined by the program cannot be deleted.
- ?
- Lists the names of visual styles available in the drawing: