Manage Routines dialog box

The Manage Routines dialog box allows you to manage the routines.

  1. Add routine
  2. Routine list
  3. Drop-down menu
  4. Edit routine
  5. Import routines...

Add routine

Adds a new empty routine under a default name (New Routine_1).

Routine list

Lists all saved routines and the number of tasks for each.

Right-click to display a context menu that allows you to enable or disable columns, show all columns, or restore column positions.

Drop-down menu

Press the three dots button () to open a drop-down menu.

Opens the Edit Routine dialog box to edit the routine.
Renames the routine.
Creates a duplicate of the routine.
Opens the Export Routine dialog box to export the routine to a RTN file.
Removes the routine from the list.

Edit routine

Opens the Edit Routine dialog box to edit the routine.

Import routines...

Opens the Open dialog box to import a RTN file.

Note: You can duplicate, delete, export, and import multiple routines at once.